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Los zapaticos de rosa is a poem by the Cuban writer José Martí. It was published for the first time in 1889, in the third issue of the monthly magazine The Golden Age. The technique used

in the illustrations it was Chinese ink and digital color in Photoshop. 

Bocetos de caricaturas de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Bocetos de caricaturas de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Bocetos de caricaturas de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
caricatura del escritor Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Caricature process of Gabriel García Márquez, for the supplement Las Artes, of the Diario del Otún, from Colombia. The technique used was pencil, Chinese ink and digital color in Photoshop. 

Boceto de ilustracion infantil.
Ilustración infantil.

Illustration process without commission, which I titled: ¨Counting stars¨, the technique used was pencil,

Chinese ink and digital color in Photoshop. 

Ilustaciones infantiles

© 2015 by Miguel Diaz (MAD). Proudly created with

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